Basis Vector 3 vs. Schröder, Triplanar, Graham

Much less seems to have been written about the Basis Vector 3 tonearm than the other top arms, including the various Schröders, the Triplanar VII, Graham Phantom, and so forth. Has anyone compared the Vector 3 with any of these other arms?

My apologies if a heartfelt response dragged this thread even further in an unproductive direction. Thank you for that call for sanity. We are indeed better when we respect each other.

Rmaurin and Kha asked some interesting followup questions. I'll do my best from memory. Teres or Cello can correct any errors if they choose to return...

The wire from the Vector was fastened to the Teres armboard using the velcro provided by Basis. I remember watching Teres carefully loop the wire so that it would not impede the arm. The Graham's junction box was (IIRC) already stabilized. The cable was their top model (IC-700). The shielded cables stretched across open space to the preamp, not ideal perhaps but at least equally exposed.

The preamp/phono used for SESSION I was a Supratek Cortese. SESSION II began with a preamp shootout, wherein the Cortese was duly dismissed by both a Supratek Grange and a prototype of Nick Doshi's Alaap, the current version of which I now own. We used the Grange for the arm and cartridge comparisons.
Now that I'm beginning to get up enough nerve to begin posting again(thanks for the E-mail,Raul),I'd like to add two points,which may,or may not be found interesting.Firstly,I have found that the "IC-70" interconnect IS quite influenced by cable dressing,and should not be too close to PC's(good sense,anyway),and seems to be a bit sensitive to vibration,as well.I have stabalized mine by sandwitching it between some felt,and keeping it at least a few inches away from potential noise polluters.This could impact other mfgrs phono leads as well,so not a bad thing to at least be extra careful about.

Also,now that I'm in my "new leaf" mode,to be fair,I have a friend(a reviewer,which means not alot but adds credibility,to the following,at least)who owns the Vector arm.I've heard his set-up,which consists of Audio Research amp,some new phono/pre(I'm not sure of),NOLA speakers(very nice,btw),and VPI TNT/Koetsu Urushi/other assorted Koetsus.I was at a listening session at his home,with a varied assortment of really well healed hobbyists.Truthfully,his sound was wonderful.All the usual adjectives applied,over a wide variety of program material,and over about a 5 or 6 hr session.I know there was not any a/b comparisons made,and the time frame was small,yet the sound was just fine,to all of us on hand.So,to me the Vector was clearly doing it's job.NO?I have no doubt it's a really fine arm.

Let's be candid here.We are all talking about superb products.I know some will say,"but we want to know the comparative differences.The real TRUTH"!To a degree(and I know this really well)we spin our wheels,a bit trying to differentiate the minute details in our quest.There is obviously no one,two,or three "best",but a REALLY load of "great stuff" available to us all.At varied price levels.We are lucky to be exposed to it all,should we have that desire to hear as many differing alternatives as we can.The best thing we can derive from our common "musical quest" is new,and hopefully useful "knowledge"!

Thanks for the time spent reading my patter!

Hey Sirspeedy, you know, this kind of discussion has to be splitted, making money with pushing a product, looking for the Real Truth, independently, which can be a total different story, and at least, the Phono Stage has much more influence in reproduction than any Arm /Cartridge Combo. Happy Listening. Btw. I ordered the Graham Phantom Arm.
Hi Thomas.I don't disagree with the Mfgr advertising aspect of your comments,yet that can't be helped,and there are those who will be able to determine when advertisors are using these forums.Trust me,I don't want to get into anymore areas where I create any animosity.Yet as a business owner I cannot really blame them,and would do so myself.

As to your comments regarding phonostage.Yes,it is of paramount importance,but I don't think it is any more important than cartridge/arm/table integration.When someone like Raul mentions that an arm cannot be measured without taking into account the interface of cartridge,and even armboard material,he is right!These way heavily on our perceptions,and that is one reason why I will now take comments,on this subject,as "not set in stone".Too many variables in another person's system,that we may not be totally aware of the influences.

For example,I'm going over to a friend on Friday,to A/B his newly acquired Purist Venustas arm interconnect,against the IC-70.Obviously he has a specific sound,now,but from what I've been reading, the Purist is supposedly far superior.Well if it is(and I hope it is,as it will give me something else to perhaps push my vinyl envelope,a bit)then his previous perceptions of his arm/cartridge are modified.No?Well we'll see this Friday.I really cannot wait,as this really interests me.

Best regards.