bass traps . Which kind

Hello . I am getting conflicting views on bass traps. I currently have the "superchunk" diy in my corners.
I have been doing research again on room treatments. Some are saying it is best to leave a air gap behind them in the corners . Ethan weiner of real traps has 2x4 4inch thick panels in the corners with lots of space behind them
Do these outperform the superchunk ? if they do i will have lots of material if i reconfigure the superchunk
I could do alot more area .
What do you think ?
GIK Acoustics or Real Traps are both great people to deal with and will assist with your issues/problems/questions.

SuperChunk will work a little better than air behind. Ethan has stated this many times.

Another solution to cover more area is, instead of straddling the corner, have two 4" panels on each side wall going away from corner.
I do not want to bother companies i have no intention of purchasing goods from . I want assurance the last statement about the straddling corners will outperform the superchunk. If it does i will have a ton of extra material for ceiling and more wall panels.
The supercunk method uses say, ten times more material than ethan weiners way
If your speakers are set up properly and assuming you have a somewhat normal room there is absolutely no need for any room treatment.
Normal furnishings drapes, etc, do a remarkable job of letting the sound decay in a natural way.

If the speakers are not set up to act "as one" no amount of room treatment will ever get you where you want to be.