Battery backup

Hello audiophile friends
I was wondering if is possible to use battery backup devices (used for computers etc) to power Dac in my system and maybe preamp too???
Or maybe there is a different device for that
Thank you
Happy Easter everyone
I have read 'computer battery backups' are not ideal for audio although I have never tried it. BUT take into consideration that for computers there are 2 types of battery backups. First is just that - a backup meaning you run off of wall power until power fails and then it switches to battery. The other is an on-line UPS meaning you always run off of the battery.

That being said there are 're-generators' made just for audio. 2 that come to mind are PS Audio and PurePower. I just got a PurePower 1050 and run my source - integrated and sub off of it. It lowered the noise floor for me and does not restrict dynamics or power. At a fairly loud level of listening I tripped the circuit breaker and listened for 25 min and the battery level dropped to 50%. I do not know at what point the PurePower shuts down (depleting the batteries to 0V will be the end of the batteries) so there should be a point where the unit shuts itself off to protect the batteries from totally discharging.
Currently using a Liebert UP tation regenerator on my complete A/V system except for amps and subs. Puts out a pure unwavering 120 vac and I must say, I'm VERY impressed with its abilities. Plus it also provides for battery backup by the nature of how it works. AC-Filtering-DC-battery-DC-AC
Spinaker01; I had Liebert unit a while back for my computer system and while it delivers great, pure power the fan inside was making too much noise.
What model do you have? Does it have a fan? If so, how did you deal with the noise?