beatle remasters on vinyl?

will they be selling the beatle remasters on vinyl anytime soon, and how do you think they will sound?
well actually, i only had a crappy cd copy of sgt. peppers, let it be, and the second disc of the white album, so getting the entire set in mono plus the remaining remastered stereos was a no brainer for me.

and....since i don't have any beatles albums on vinyl...
I like and own most of the Beatles music myself on vynil. Howerver, I do have to agree with Fromunda. With all the great music and options for re-issues I think maybe its time to broaden the choices instead of re-re-re-re-re-re-re-issuing the same stuff over and over again. I resent the marketing strategy of advertising limited edition to drive the prices up only to have it re-issued again. Especially when there have been a fair amount of lifeless re-issue DUDS. I bought the new cd version of Rubber Soul as it is my favorite Beatles album. It,s is pretty descent sounding but still can,t stand neck and neck with the original vynil mono version my oldest sister originaly bought and gave to me or the Mobile Fidelity version I also own. I may seem pesamystic or negative but I am not. It,s just frustrating when there is a vast market out there and with a new and growing interest in Vynil again I just wish the industry would realize that if they offered a more DIVERCE quality catalogue it would sell more than just turntables and LPs. A lot of other peices are needed to complete the system without even taking into account those of us with the phile illness to change and upgrade. I guess in reality with the economy in the tank now it won't happen right now anyway. Cheers
Vinyl people will be very disappointed as the source for the vinyl is the digital product. Best to go find the original vinyl that was cut from analogue tapes.
Bucenero is correct - the vinyl will be ProTooled digital. A no compression, no noise suppression and no digital anything reissue is the 1980 Mobile Fidelity box set remaster. Clean copies went for about $1k ten years ago - I don't know what they go for now.
I'm waiting for the remastered remasters.

There will be a mere 1,500,000 sets and available only on 7 continents.

We can expect further restrictions as the project develops.