Well Ron, it has been a while since I have been to this page. But over the weekend I picked up a couple pair of speakers. A pair of Thiel CS6 and a pair of Maggies (SMG-A, I think is the model). I'll give 'em a listen with the class D Bel Cantos
My experience so far with the Thiel's (very power hungry speakers) is that the Bel Cantos don't seem to have enough power for them (@ 1,000 watts at 4 ohms - which is what these speakers are). Instead I am using my Mark Levinson 125/250 @ 4 amp which seems to have a much, much better ability to power the Thiels.
But those little maggies don't need much power and I will hook the BC's up to them this coming weekend and give it a shot.
My experience so far with the Thiel's (very power hungry speakers) is that the Bel Cantos don't seem to have enough power for them (@ 1,000 watts at 4 ohms - which is what these speakers are). Instead I am using my Mark Levinson 125/250 @ 4 amp which seems to have a much, much better ability to power the Thiels.
But those little maggies don't need much power and I will hook the BC's up to them this coming weekend and give it a shot.