Hi All, I know this is an old thread, but wanted to reach out to fellow Bel Canto 3.7 owners.
I was wondering if my 3.7 was getting old and behind the curve.
I reached out to Bel Canto about upgrading my Power supply from VBS to VBL.
They got me in touch with Matt Cramer of Ace Audio Tomato Audio. I believe he was an engineer with Bel Canto. After chatting on the phone with him, I sent my DAC from Toronto to Minny for some upgrades. I chose the "Reference" upgrade apposed to the "Statement " upgrade. There were many more upgrades Kimber wiring etc..., but I had to stick to my budget.
I’ve had the DAC back for about 3 weeks and I’m extremely happy with the results.
I didn’t have enough $$ for the ref umbilical cord, which I hear is also as nice upgrade.
Just wanted to share this recent upgrade with other Bel Canto owners. Not many owners here in Canada. Maybe others can chime in, if they have had upgrades etc... Always great to hear other thoughts about people’s impressions of the Bel Canto DACs
My System:
Bryston 3B Cubed, VTL 2.5,Bel Canto 3.7, Revival Atalante 3, Transporter