benchmark and apogee

anybody out there have any experience with the benchmark dac 1 and the apogee dac 1 in their high end systems?


Showing 3 responses by jeffkad

left a lengthy response the other day, but don't know what happened, never got posted. lets try again in short form. basically, liked the apogee slightly better than the benchmark, and picked up 2 apogees and 1 belcanto dac2 for my 3 different sonos setups. bottom line: apogee was slightly fuller sounding, whereas the benchmark was maybe slightly more analytical but drier. since the apogee was several hundred cheaper new vs new price, i went with apogee. test system includes B&W 803s2, acurus dia100. hope this helps. feel free to email if you need more info. regards jeff

I have to admit, in researching the benchmark, I was VERY excited and very much wanted to hear it live up to it's press, but it just didn't do it in my set-up. In fact, I could barely tell any difference between the 3 different dacs. However, to be fair, all three were being fed by the sonos unit, and I was trying to see how close I could get the sonos to sound like my main rig (now my second best rig, hooray!). Fact is, all three got the sonos pretty close to the main rig, but just couldn't match it. Seems like the old Adcom GCD600 feeding the old Acurus DIA100 integrated couldn't be bested by this sonos-to-outboard dac setup. I did NOT, however, try any of the dacs being fed by the adcom cdp as a transport, and that may have yielded different results. So that's my big disclaimer.

OT: BTW, most impressed with your HT setup. Do the embedded ATC's give decent imaging and localization of instruments? My HT system has N803's in cabinets, and this really detracts from imaging/localization (at least until I pull them out of the closet for serious 2 chnl listening!!).
Shdorne, thanks for the reply. I have repeatedly tried to reply, but agon doesn't seem to like me anymore, lol. Short answers: can't build a frame around top mounted tweeter like N803, but see the logic. as for apogee vs benchmark, lets just say that both are very good and highly regarded units, and it really depends on ones setup and ears. Good luck to OP, try them both.