Benchmark DAC1 vs CAL Sigma

I have an old CAL Sigma I in my system. I generally like the sound, it's musical & dynamic, however there's a bit of shrillness in the top end that I find off putting. I'm wondering how different a modern upsampling DAC such as the Benchmark DAC1 or a PS Audio Digital Link III would sound in my system? I'm a bit of a noob with external DACs so any input would be greatly appreciated.
I also used both Cal tube DACS (back in the day) along with the Delta transport.I thought they were both good--the Alpha better.I switched to the Monarchy 22b at that time for a more detailed presentation.Then I went to a Soundstream one for something that sounded fuller and more rounded.I remenber the vintage PS Audio DACS as very nuetral,but also lacking sparkle and life.

I've been on this merry-go-round for many years.Like many others,constantly changing equipment in the search for sonic nirvana.Even when a system is very close,some aspect will begin to annoy me and the cycle starts over again!

I have not heard the Benchmark,but do own the purportedly similar Citypulse 2.03.It is very good,and very detailed(I'm back in that groove again).I recently sold the outstanding Musical Fidelity A 3.24.It was also very good,but with a somewhat smoother presentation.I've been told that the V-DAC is quite similar.I hope that these ramblings were of some assistance.
I recall that the Delta/Sima combo was imroved by using buth the Audio Alchemy DTI and the Monarchy DIP jitter reducers.
Transnova, Thanks for the helpful replies. I have considered introducing something along the lines of the Monarchy. Where does it fit in 'the chain'? I presume between the transport and the DAC, no?
Yes,between the transport and DAC.Many years ago(probably around 1993 or 94) my friend and I undertook the ambitious task of running our own A-B tests on a number of transports,DACs and CD players.We used an Audio Alchemy DLC preamp and a digital spl meter to equalize volume levels and to switch between digital front ends.I recall that certain transports and CD players fed into certain DACs sounded much better with the DIP inserted between them.Other combinations produced small/if any discernable
difference.The Cal Delta,which was supposed to be a low jitter transport, benefieted greatly from the addition of the DTI or DIP inserted between the transport and DAC.
I had both DAC1 and Alpha in my system for quite some time. Alpha was better than DAC1 in all areas I cared about (bass, midrange, air, musicality, and PRATT).

I ran both DAC1 and Alpha from SD Transporter. Alpha was more affected by the transport and power quality.

I kept the Alpha and sold the DAC1.

Right now I have the Alpha in a second system.