Benz LP vs. Dynavector XV-1s

Has anyone compared the Benz LP with the Dynavector XV-1s? I am going to upgrade my cartridge soon. Currently I am using the Lyra Helikon (standard version). Thanks.
IMO retailers, wholesalers, and tradespersons have no business posting here disclosure notwithstanding. It is a conflict of interest pure and simple. I really don't want to hear "I can be objecive" because anytime there's money involved the chance of a tainted post exists. Private email between the parties is the only ethical communication.
I really appreciate every opinion you all provide in this thread. I want to get a general consensus about what people feel about the Benz LP and the Dyna XV-1s.

Please be nice to each other. Audiophile community is such a small social circle. At the end of the day, we just want to have fun. Thanks again.
jgk1017 has it right. People in the audio business should contact posters direct via email if they have something to sell and/or choose to offer advice not "advertise" in these threads. However I don't expect that will happen; the profit potential generally outweighs ethical behavior. That being said, anybody in the business should disclose same in EVERY post to eliminate any doubt regarding their interests.
I agree that people in the business should disclose their interest before giving their opinions. I am glad that Jtinn did.
I think Mr. jgk1017 and Mr. Stanhifi responses are both accustatory, non-contributory, and self-serving and do nothing to better this thread or this forum.
