Berkeley Alpha Reference run direct

Has anyone found a preamplifier that improves the sound from a Berkeley Alpha Reference DAC? If so, what preamp? Mine sounds amazing feeding my amplifiers direct, DAC to amps.
I guess I don't understand their explaination. It this not just setting the output levels, by left and right channels, in .05db steps? 
If I normally run a volume level of 47.3 on Diana Krall Live in Paris, for example, how would I change things to get the same volume level, but higher resolution?
Not sure if better, but i would be very curious what a tube preamp would do. Im in the minority who find the BAD a bit cool, so if i had deep pockets and endless time it want to try a very good tube pre to warm and maybe sprinkle a little magic. ;)

Like I said though, few would agree with me.

Erik, I agree with you.
imgoodwithtools:  Setting negative gain for each channel allows for increasing stereo volume to exercise more bits for greater resolution.  Balance merely adjusts volume for each channel relative to each other to compensate for differences in program material.
I didn't know that. You would think Berkeley would make that more apparent. I will try reducing the gain tonight.