Berkeley dac1 versus Esoteric K-03

Any have experience with both?
I have. I have a Berkeley DAC for maybe 2 years now and picked up the K03 1st week of august. I am very close to completing breakin (if not there already). The K03 trumps the Berkeley in EVERY way imaginable. It extracts more information from a disc; it is more resolving; larger, deeper soundstaging. Better bass (magic base); it is more resolving and quieter. I thought the Berkeley was seriously exellent. The K03 is seriously magical. I truly cannot believe how good CD's sound that I have previously dismissed as uninvolving or unemotional. When you hit that volume level right, the little hairs on my little hairs stand up. It has brought tears to my eyes more than once. Regular old tunes make a major emotional impact that I have not felt previously. Truly stunning.
Curious about the transport and digital IC you were using with the Berkeley.
@ cerrot, Hi, I have been asking you for a while about the Esoteric K-03 player!,, What you just posted is what I am looking for!, Damn, Its about time you posted what this player can do, I needed to know about the sound before I take on a very long road trip to audition one, there is no Esoteric dealers around me for atleast 300 miles!, thankyou!