Best 2 channel for under 300?

i was wondering what would be the best 2 channel reciever i could get for under 300. i now have a nakamichi re10 whcih is pretty good. but i feel like i need something a little more. i am powering a pair of snell e III's, again what is the best way for me to has to be under 300
If you are talking receivers, the best are the ones from the 70's. Much better build quality, looks and sound.

Under $300 will get you many of them. Yamaha CR-2020, Pioneer SX-1050, Sansui 9090DB, Marantz 2265B. Visit
and do some searching.

Good luck,
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Hard to beat Viridian's suggestion. I don't need a recvr but had to stop myself form ordering one just to try it.
I'm looking for an inexpensive stereo receiver as well for my office. The problem is that I need a digital input (either Toslink or coax) because my computer's sound card has only digital outs. Any suggestions?

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