best all around monitor

regardless of price, musical tastes, room restrictions, ss., or tubes, what is the best sounding reference monitors?
I would also have to agree about the Tyler Acoustics, they are absolutely wonderful and beat out almost every floorstander I tried up to and over double its priced. No monitor even came close.
Totem has a new monitor called the Rainmaker. Sounded very nice at CES. Also, you have to include Jim Salks Veracity or Ellis 1801. You won't find a more gorgeous monitor esthetically, never mind the wonderful sound. Visit his website at
While I was very impressed with all of the Totem speakers that I heard recently, the monitor that really impressed me (and which I ended up buying) is the ProAc Tablette Reference 8 Signature. Truly, an exceptional speaker.

Diapason Adamantes,this are so musical.Woodfield
I agree the Norh 9 are excellent,but not as musical
as the Diapason, my rewire 6.9 norh are very close
with the 9.