Best amp for natural timbre of unamplified acoustic instruments & vocals w/ Revel F32?

Because these are ceramic and titanium they can sound hard, thin and sterile.  But they need solid state probably because they are inefficient and for bass control.  I like tubes but what are your experiences?
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Fyi . I own a pair of Revel f30's and i find them flat and dull sounding next to my electrosats and rarely listen to them .
Yes I would find it hard to believe that a speaker would be intentionally designed to sound as described. On an open forum we can only respond to the information provided. If the OP has determined the speaker is the weak link then it's reasonable to suggest that another speaker may likely improve his situation. It could certainly be the fault of another system component or issue,  it also could be the speaker as the OP suspects. I do hope that he solves the problem to his satisfaction. 
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Maple, it is great advise to sell. We all have subjective likes and dislikes. The speaker sounds this way to the poster and to another it would be heaven. Subjective. He should consider selling as they don't fit his particular taste.