Best amp for NHT Classic 3

Hi all,

I'm new here. I don't know much about amplifier. I'm looking for an integrated amp or amp+preamp for my NHT Classic 3 and SW10 subwoofer. This set is for listening to the music only. The following are my preferences:

-Price under $1,000 (used/new)
-Phono input
-Second Pre-out for my subwoofer

That's about it. I saw NHT Power 2 is selling here. Is it a good amp for the music? Many people said NAD is a good choice to go for, but I just want to hear what you guys think. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Thank you...
Just make sure whatever you get has a lot of power the more the better. I had the Classic 3s for a little while and they sounded dull and boring with 30, 60 and 100 watt integrateds. When I hooked up a 300 watt amp to them, they came to life. I remember them fondly based on that.
Trinnatee: I too, like Ejlif, had the 3s for a while--being ran by a Parasound 250wpc A-21 and P-3. It was breathtaking. The combo can be had used for about $1300 here. And like Ejlif says, they hum with more power.
As a test, i tried the Acurus a150---not enough balls.
Good luck!
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