


Ejlif 20 years ago system

This is it for now.

Prior Living Room System

I've been building up this system for the past 2 years. I am looking forward to upgrading my speakers and the CD player to the Audio Aero Capitole. Any suggestions for speakers? I was thinking of P...

Prior Innersound system

Fully functional edge of the art sound system that lives happily in the living room and my wife likes it too. Now I don't have to retreat to the dedicated room as much since I can sit and listen to...

Prior Studio System

This is the core of the recording and monitoring chain for my studio. I did not list any sources which include micropones, sound proccesors guitars, keyboards etc...I use this for my personal sonic...

Ejlif old system 12 plus years ago

Ejlif old system 12 plus years ago

My current refrence system.