I have found a very clean Ayre K-5e pre-amp but to be up to date it would be $1,200 to send it back to Ayre to have it brought up to the present K-5 xeMP pre-amp that sells new for $5k.I have done 3 Ayre upgrades (AX-7 to "e", CX-7 to "e", and QB-9 to "DSD") and experienced worthwhile improvements for each. Recommended if your budget allows. (BTW, I'm using an AX-5 Twenty on my CS2.4 SEs).
You should visit the "Thiel owners thread" on the Speakers forum. Tom Thiel is going to help Rob Gillum engineer XO upgrades for some Thiel models and I think the CS2.4 will be one of the first done. I think this will likewise prove a worthwhile upgrade.