As an alternative suggestion to having to buy into alternative Power Amplification.
I am very very familiar with the Nelson Pass Design Korg B1 Pre Amp.
If the gain of this Amp will work with the Power Amplification, for the money required to acquire the Basic Model, there is a lot on offer.
I have mainly heard it in use across a Variety of Power Amp's, both SS and Valve, but nearly always with ESL's.
I have also heard the Basic Design having undergone some of the now known upgrade tweaks, different Cap's, VC.
All build guises demo'd, have delivered to what I class as my preferred description of Holographic in the earlier post.
As a trait, the Korg B1 will tighten up the lower frequencies, where a Bass Decay is with a defined edge and not lingering. Such a control of this frequency, enables the Mid's and Highs to be improved in their presence. The overall frequency range is much improved in coherence.
The Envelope developing, is something that gets worked towards by improving interfaces in general throughout the audio system. The magic bullet to attain this, is perseverance and willingness to try out different interfaces, as time goes by things discoveries are made that are wanted to be maintained, where there is no want to return to what was before.