hi, i have in this moment a ayon cd5s cdplayer with built in preamplifier , pass x250 amps and wilson sasha speaker ( i love sasha), i want a new and better amplifier, the options are two, pass xa100.8 monoblocks or cary 211fe monoblock, what is the better option for the sasha?, your opinion please
Bo, I  respect you opinion, and it sounds like you have a lot of experience. However, others of us who have and like Wilsons may also listen to live music (I do) and have that as a reference (I do). So many other variables come into play, such as system synergy, the listening room acoustics, preferred music genres, and your hearing (have you had pure tone audiometry up to 20kHz done in the past couple of years)? You mentioned ribbon tweeters.  I also have spent a lot of time listening to Carver Amazing loudspeakers in the past (planar with ribbon tweeters--admittedly they are now old) which are very nice, but I like Wilsons better. Just my 2 cents.

Wilson Sasha is the best that I tested, well above the C4 confidence Dynaudio that had, the sound is very real, very vivid, holographic, the question is if I buy a pass 100.8 I have problems 

It will be an excellent combo. Only 2 times in my life I found Wilson Audio speakers gave a good sound. One was with my sold personal set of XA100.5.

I own the X350.5 now and prefer it over the XA100.5. I use it with the new Purist Audio Limited Edition luminist powercable.

This make the X series sound like XA series but with more controle and more details in the high freq.

This year I auditioned the Sasha with the Momentum power. This was not enough for the Sasha.

The 350.8 delivers more power, but also a lot more electricity compared to the Momentum. This is what you need.

I have done many tests with Pass labs poweramps, with Purist Audio powercables you can reveal a much higher result in sound out of the amp.

I think most people have no idea how big the differences are. When I give shootouts most people get crazy and are amazed about the differences.

The knowledge in audio is poor this means that people only can get an average level out of any speaker at the max.

I have proven that I could reach a higher endresult with a X250.5 with a Purist Audio Limited powercable vs XA100.5 with powercables of 1500 dollar.

Most people never test these things. Here you will find how much higher quality is possible to reveal out of any amp.