hi, i have in this moment a ayon cd5s cdplayer with built in preamplifier , pass x250 amps and wilson sasha speaker ( i love sasha), i want a new and better amplifier, the options are two, pass xa100.8 monoblocks or cary 211fe monoblock, what is the better option for the sasha?, your opinion please
Early in this thread much caution was expressed toward use of the Cary 211 push pull tube amplifier and for very legitimate reasons. Georgelofi and Almarg rightly noted the Sasha’s specifications and difficult speaker load characteristics. Although I cited the Stereophile review by Art Dudley who said that the Sasha was superb with the 25 watt tubed Shindo amplifier, there still was ample reason to be skeptical about choosing the Cary. Particularly knowing that it is a no NFB design amplifier to boot.

On paper judging the available specifications you’d think that the Cary to be a risky option with a good chance of a poor sonic outcome. Once again nothing beats actually listening to reach a verdict regarding the suitability of an audio product. One could argue that perhaps the Pass amplifier would have been equally good or even better. Moot point at this juncture, the Cary and Wilson pairing  is "incredible " in your opinion and that’s the bottom line. I’m very happy for your fabulous results . I suspect that this combo of amplifier and speakers will keep you pleased for many years. 
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Sasha's need power and control.  The built in preamp idea is cute but that needs to change as well.  I would go Krell or ARC for this system.  Krell will deliver accurate tone and grip with great soundstaging.  ARC will emphasize bloom and dynamic swing.  Tubes can be a pain over time...always changing character and on the decline.  Cables must allow the system to breathe and expand and deliver lifelike color and dynamics....Transparent or MIT will do this better than most others.  Power cords need to be up to snuff as well.  Ayon as a CD player may be ok but a Krell Cipher or an ARC spinner would be closer to SOTA!  Strong opinions?  Yes...because I've been down your road more than a few times and tried to patch together a system with almost the right gear, which will leave you frustrated and feeling like you wasted your money.  Do it right now and avoid the constant changes and frustration.
Orionpcgames's comments from 07/13/2016 would suggest anything but frustration and wasting money.  To the contrary he's "-extremely "happy" with his current system. He used the words incredible, fantastic and magic.  Seems to me  he's ecstatic with his sonic results. 