Jcwaudio wrote: " I am downsize my system from Martin Logan electrostats and quad 2905 And would like a bookshelf that would have some of the same attributes of the quads. "
Quads are a very tough act to follow. Aside from their articulation and freedom from coloration, imo much of what they do well comes from their dipole radiation pattern. That spectrally-correct rear radiation is imo quite beneficial given proper setup.
The little MBL 126 comes to mind, though I’m not sure low-powered Pass amps would be adequate.
Boenicke was mentioned, and while I have yet to hear a pair, their somewhat unorthodox approach makes sense to me.
And I have ALWAYS been impressed by Fritz speakers at audio shows.
I have a few questions, if you don't mind:
Will your new speakers be placed on a bookshelf, on stands, or somewhere else?
If they will be placed on stands, will you be able to pull them out into the room somewhat?
Roughly how large is the room?
How important is sweet spot width?
If acoustic treatment (perhaps diffusion) is called for, would it be feasible? Thinking about how to set up MBL’s in a small room...
Quads are a very tough act to follow. Aside from their articulation and freedom from coloration, imo much of what they do well comes from their dipole radiation pattern. That spectrally-correct rear radiation is imo quite beneficial given proper setup.
The little MBL 126 comes to mind, though I’m not sure low-powered Pass amps would be adequate.
Boenicke was mentioned, and while I have yet to hear a pair, their somewhat unorthodox approach makes sense to me.
And I have ALWAYS been impressed by Fritz speakers at audio shows.
I have a few questions, if you don't mind:
Will your new speakers be placed on a bookshelf, on stands, or somewhere else?
If they will be placed on stands, will you be able to pull them out into the room somewhat?
Roughly how large is the room?
How important is sweet spot width?
If acoustic treatment (perhaps diffusion) is called for, would it be feasible? Thinking about how to set up MBL’s in a small room...