Gold Lion AX7 in tube preamp | paulcreed | 844 | 15 | |
Integrated tube amp as amp only | mofojo | 1062 | 7 | |
Paradigm 120h vs Goldenear Reference | mofojo | 1695 | 22 | |
Integrated for Cornwall IV | doni | 2731 | 27 | |
Cornwall iv | kclone | 3704 | 37 | |
Velodyne sub missing remote | mofojo | 1447 | 7 | |
Lyngdorf 3400 using external amp | rc22 | 716 | 2 | |
Lyngdorf TDIA 3400 | | 817 | 0 | |
Krell KSA 200s ground hum | strawj | 1662 | 15 | |
Focal’s heart grew three sizes that day | mijostyn | 1294 | 9 | |
Krell KSA 200s with BW Matrix | cio52 | 1141 | 4 | |
Holo Audio Red Streamer | hilde45 | 2157 | 4 | |
B&W 801 Matrix Tweeter Grill | mofojo | 1254 | 3 | |
Focal SM9 or similar for home use | westborn | 716 | 2 | |
Coax to I2S | lordmelton | 2426 | 8 | |