Best Brandenburg Concerto recording CD

Demoing new speakers this weekend...would love to test out Brandenburg Concertos...which recording should I pick?
i sampled sections of the pearlman recording of the brandenburgs today.

i find this performance lacks the spirit of the baroque period.

i guess this thread reveals that we all have our favorite performances and one is not intrinsically better than another.
The Harnoncourt version is a good buy. It is an energetic - dramatic concept of the Brandenburgs played on original instruments. You simply could not go wrong with it.
I don't think "sampling" sections of any recording gives the listener a true feeling for the entire package. Try listenting to all 6 performances a few times and then offer an opinion.
COncerto Grosso on Phillips I believe is excellent
great sound and lively performances
One factor that might make a difference is whether you prefer a closely miked recording or one with more space. The Martin Pearlman recordings evoke a large hall, while the Trevor Pinnock recordings sound closer and more intimate.

I like the performances and the close miking on the Pinnock recordings, but the sound is good, not great. It was recorded in the early days of digital. It would be great if they would rerecord it with 24 bit technology.

Has anyone heard the Apollo's Fire version?