Best Budget 2 Channel?? Music Hall a25.2 or Outlaw

I am looking to get a budget two channel integrated. I am lookning at the music hall a25.2 and the Outlaw Audio RR2150. Any suggestions on others or these?

Keep an eye out for Emotiva products. Like Outlaw, they are an Internet-only seller. Their price/performance ratio is VERY high and I find their products to be much more attractive than equivalent Outlaw products.

I have made several purchases from them and have also had to make a warranty claim. Their customer support is *outstanding* - very friendly, quick, and accurate. Their HT electronics also come with a 5 year, bumper to bumper, *transferable* warranty.
I use the Outlaw in a bedroom system with a Cambridge Audio Azur 540 DVD player and Rega Ara monitors. I went with the Outlaw because I needed a tuner in the system. The tuner is very quiet and sensitive.

With that said, the Outlaw has an excellent amp section. I prefer it to the NAD C320 BEE that I used for a few years. The Outlaw has a lot of clean power. With the right recordings, it is a very pleasant and satisfying listen.

A lot of thought went into the design of the Outlaw RR2150. Check out Fremer's review on the Stereophile web site.

What speakers are you planning to use?

