Best Cartridge for Kuzma Airline

Bought this Arm and I start thinking about a Cartridge for it.
Some recommendations?
I think one of the van den Hul Colibri series cartridges would work well. They are very low mass and high compliance. In a thread from last year, Mikelavigne noted that this cartridge outperformed the XYX Universe and Dynavector XV-1S with his Rockport linear tracking arm. The design of the Rockport arm and the Kuzma arm are very similar.
Given the fact that the optimal cartridge weight should be less that 9 grams, I wouldn't think that the Lyra Titan at 12 grams, or the Dynavector XV-1s @ 12.6 grams, would be the best fit for this particular arm.
All things being equal I would imagine that the Xyx cartridges at 5 grams or the VDH Colibri at 6 grams would work better.
This may be of help.

From the Kuzma website:
Recommended cartridge compliance: Below 25 cu

From the 'specifications' section of the Stereophile article:
Optimal cartridge weight: <9gm.
Given the fact that the optimal cartridge weight should be less that 9 grams, I wouldn't think that the Lyra Titan at 12 grams, or the Dynavector XV-1s @ 12.6 grams, would be the best fit for this particular arm.
All things being equal I would imagine that the Xyx cartridges at 5 grams or the VDH Colibri at 6 grams would work better.