Best CD I've heard so far 2011.........

Sarah Jarosz/Song Up In Her Head
Like a breath of fresh air, just great!

Showing 7 responses by jdoris

My recent favorite in the folk gals genre is Po' Girl. "Follow you Bliss" may be 2011. It's good, though I prefer the older "Vagabond Lullabies," and "Home to You."

The Wailin' Jenny's have had serious lineup changes, no? Has any of their later stuff topped the sublime "40 days"?

Stereophile says Lucida's "Blessed" is her best since "Essence." I think she's a genius, but IMO, the stuff since "Essence" has been very uneven, and mostly forgettable (with exceptions like the title track of "World Without Tears"). Is "Blessed" really a return to form?

Jax, I'll get the Jenny's live. Have all of the Be Goods. Sounds like I like the solo Frazey better than you; I admit it's not "in heavy rotation," but I enjoy it quire a bit.

I'm enjoying Cowboy Junkies' Vic Chesnutt cover album "Demons" (favorite cut "Supernatural"). But get the original, if you haven't, especially the masterpiece "West of Rome." Much less polish than CJ, much more guts.

People who like girl-with-guitar should check out Sera Cahoone -- lovely stuff.

Gillian Welch fans should like the new one. Probably not up to the masterpiece Time, and perhaps not quite up to the excellent Revival and Soul Journey, but very fine. The standout may be "The Way it Goes," which exemplifies her trademark understated creepiness.

Hey Jax. Sounds like you've Gillian before. Be prepared for a slow show, and try to get seats. When I saw her and DR, they did "Tennesse Stud" at roughly the pace of a Grateful Dead dirge. Charming stuff, but not Dancin' Music.

I'll seek out Nimrod; expect you've heard Elizabeth LaPrelle: more solo voice from the Southern Mountains, and pretty cool.


Glad you enjoyed the show, Jax. They are in St. Louis in Sept. Maybe I'll try again on the supposition that your experience was more representative than mine; could be one or both of us was having an off nite. John
In reference to the OP, I just say Sarah Jarosz perform in St. Louis. A surprisingly full house, to her evident delight. Highly recommended: one of those shows that makes you say, "Why don't I see more shows?" As expected, impressive stringdusting, but Sarah also turns out to be a bit of belter on the vocals -- something you don't see everyday in a folkie.

I prefer "Song up in Her Head," but the less folky and more atmmospheric "Follow Me Down" (actually released in 2011 ;) is a very worthwhile record.


Ok Jax, saw Gillian and Dave last night Short show, with hot pickin and good songs, the highlights being Time and a White Freightliner encore. Sorry to say, though, they didn't transport me like they did you. Very nice show, just wasn't riveted, for the 2nd time. Great records, though!
