Best CD player under $2000

I have enough cd’s to justify a new or newer one, just not home through the week to invest in streaming. Current player is a Myryad Z-122 nice little unit that has served me well. Using a Jolida FX Glass Tube DAC at the moment.
Just buy a Cambridge transport since you already have a nice DAC. If you need a universal player then Oppo’s are very good. I have a Cambridge 851C and an Oppo UDP 205 and the Cambridge is better but it’s only a Redbook player where the Oppo does more. Read up on the Cambridge CXC v2 Transport or the
Pro-Ject RS2 T transport.
The Sony 608esd is a very good choice. I had someone that really wanted to buy mine once before I had even heard it. 

So I plugged it in and compared it to a $2500 streamer / player  hooked to a $5000.00 dac. First I ripped the cd to a flac file to compare. Me or my wife could not tell the difference when playing the same songs. I was so surprised. I kept it. 

Apparently a new laser can be a fairly expensive repair though. 

Good luck
Thanks to all for the input, very much appreciated. I do plan to keep the Jolida DAC for now, so a transport is really all I need. Have read/heard good things about the Audiolab CDT 6000, yet not sure about the slot loading over a tray or even top load unit. The Denafrips will be something I look closer at. Goldnote Koala, Granite Audio 650/657, Line Magnetic 215 are CD players I have been considering. Bryson and Electrocompanient are probably out of my price range, even used. Sony ES, OPPO, Rotel, Marantz, Ayre all give me more to search out.
Any CD player you buy will be lower in quality than a Tidal HiFi stream. Tidal HiFi is loss-less so your cd player would have to play each disk with 100% perfection every time to achieve the same outcome. For $500 you can get a BlueSound Node 2i and then with the remaining $1,500 you get Tidal Hifi for 6 years.

That said, I’m keeping my old 30 pound battleship (Sony CDP-620ES) for the extremely rare occasion that I can’t find what I want in Tidals’ 50-million song library or on YouTube. The unexpected benefit of being easily exposed to hundreds of great tracks that I never would have found without streaming is just icing on the cake. And I didn’t have to go shopping, wait for the mail, or think very hard about it - I just clicked on a link.

Also, you can stream to any portable device so add a portable external dac to your ipad or phone with a good pair of headphones and you’re streaming high quality away from home. Tidal is just one choice; there are several good services and anything loss-less at 44.1Khz or more will be as good or better than a CD.