Best CD Transport in 1K Ball Park

I'm currently in the market for a CD Transport in the 1K ball park. I was thinking about CAL Delta but heard they were being discontinued. Are there any suggestions or thoughts on any particular Manufacturer or Model I should demo?

P.S. The unit must have a AES/EBU output.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdsweeney33
Some transports you might consider buying used are the Theta Pearl and Theta Data Basic I and II. The Theta Data Basics use the discontinued Phillips CDM-9 mechanism, so if you ever need to have it serviced it might be a problem. On the other hand, the Pearl uses the still available Pioneer mechanism. Also, look into the Sonic Frontiers SFT-1 and Audio Alchemy DDS Pro.

These have all been discontinued, but seem to have quite a following. All units can be found used for between $400 and $1100.
For a "reasonable amount" of cash outlay, the Theta Pearl is a better transport than the Cal Delta. Take this as coming from someone that has a Delta. Sean
I agree that a used Pearl is an excellent value. I just sold one to upgrade to an Altis CDT3. The Pearl can be purchased used for under $700. It's a great deal. I can't imagine anything better for the money.