Equipment:Want to replace interconnects, price negotiable for right cables. Pleasing sound with detail, great soundstage and very neutral.All the equipment will remain only the IC cables will go first than speaker cables.

Speakers: Martin Logan Prodigy
Amp: Mark Levinson No.336
Preamp: Mark Levinson No. 380s
CD Player: Mark Levinson No. 390s
Anolog Fm Tuner: Magnum Dynalab MD102
Speaker Cable: Monster M2.4 (15ft. pr)
Interconnects: M1000i
I would call Paul at" the cable company " 1 800 fat wyre he has allways done right by me they have an extensive lending library and also some high end pre owned cables at great savings. My personal favorites are the Nordost's I think you may want to give them a listen start with the spm's , quattro fils or the capo de capo the valhalla's but let your ears be the judge . Dont pinch pennies on the cables it is alot cheaper to do it right the first time than it is to keep trading up, a lesson that I learned the hard way
Check out the Pure Note Epsilon Reference IC's and speak cables. I'm very happy with mine!
I second Jdevine's suggestion to audition. Flat cables should be one choice (e.g. Nordost, goertz), bearlabs (borrow from the site), siltech, and purist -- all have relatively different geometries & can give you alead to what *type* of cable agrees with the system & your personal preferences. There are many other "representative" products, I just named a few that came to mind & I had tried when in a similar situation to yours. Good luck!
I'm using Harmonic Technology Pro-Silway II's with
my predominantly Mark Levinson system and Magnepan
MG1.6 speakers. My speaker cables are Alpha-Core
Goertz MI-2. I've been satisfied with both.