Best Class A amp with SLAM

I'm looking for a couple of great class A bias amps (monoblocks) with the best "slam" as well as a sweet sound.

I recently sold 2 Krell KMA 160 mono blocks and I really miss them. What's out there that has the same attributes? I want 100-160 WATTS RMS that I can weld with if I want.
The ability to weld and sound sweet are not necessarily mutual qualities!

If the Krells were working for you how about find another set??
"why did you sell them if you were pleased with them"

Isn't that what audiophiles do? IE get rid of stuff that already sounds good in hope of getting something better? :-)

OR sometimes of course things just break or need service to perform well again and people just decide to move on. Audiophiles are picky listeners and when the sound seems to change for the worse, even slightly, it can be very hard to figure out why and easier to just move on. It's an in-exact science in many ways.
Sounds like you would be happier with new speakers, not new amps. Smaller woofers = quicker bass = slam……

Have been to a lot of live venues and never heard much slam.
Maybe I should have kept them and had them recapped. They were almost 25 years old and it was time for a change. As far as speakers go, I have Wilson Maxx II's and am amazed each and everytime I listen to them. As far as amps go, the Pass Labs are smoother and I'm not in to only slam, but I do miss that attribute of the Krells. My X100.5's will suffice for now. They're great amps. As I said, perhaps I'm remembering the Krell's through rose textured ears.