Best cost no object tube phono

Hi Agoners,

just upgraded everything to SS Accuphase, loving it and have no intention to go back to tube pre/power. However, I have to admit that I miss a bit of tube sweetness particularly on mid. What is the best cost no object tube phono stage?

Thanks in advance for any advices
Thanks Ralph.  Yes, I have the EMT OFD 65, and the Miyajima Infinity Mono 3 mil for 78s as well.  Aside from noise, I'd worry that the wide grooves of 78s might mess up my microgrove mono cartridges (OFD 15 / 25, Miyajima 1.0 mil).  Anyway, you might be pleased to know that I also have the AtmaSphere MP1...I'm your customer from California who asked for the mods so that I can use reel to reel tapes (IEC / NAB).  I should send my unit in for an update to the latest version...when funds permit.  I hope all is well, and I really appreciate the insight you share on these forums.  All the best, Mark
Thanks Raul.  Good to know.  That will be great it they can customize the gain.  
@rauliruegas Thanks for bringing to our attention the member from WBF who goes by Lagonda (kps25sc over here). As you well know, he is a major besotted disciple of the guru over there. As you also mentioned, seems like Lagonda had the temerity to state that there were more experienced members on that forum...LOL!
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Dear @mcmprov  : I think that your Accuphase can gives you over 20 db of gain, so 76+ db of gain with the added FM is way enough for any MC cartridge.

""   how important it is to optimize gain between the phono stage and the cartridge.  ""

It's important because if the cartridge output is to high can overload the phono stage, fortunatelly today almost any decent PS has very good overload levels.

Now at the other side of the gain " range " the trouble we can have to use the phono stage volume wide open is that noise level could be a little higher but this trouble certainly you just have to forgeret because does not appears with those two very good SS designs: Accuphase and FM Acoustics that develops really low noise levels that you or any one can't detect under playing conditions.

In reality you and your cartridge quality level performance will be totally safe about that issue mentioned by you.
