Best DAC/preamp for under $2K?

I'm looking for a DAC that also has a high quality preamp function for going direct to the amp. The BMC and Benchmark are two I'm aware of - are there other better options out there for around $2K?

Showing 1 response by courant

Have you looked at the McIntosh D100 Dac/Pre?

Had the chance to audition one and it was very impressive.

I'm not sure if it's worth the $2.5K list, but it was very nice.

I recently went the other way, and picked up a ZDac on closeout for $300.00. Running balanced through an Ayre it's quiet and puts out a nice soundstage with good bass. They do run warm, and some have complained that they are prone to outputting a hum when running unbalanced.

The D100 is definitely better, but at slightly more than 8.3 times the cost. If I had the budget, the D100 along with the PS Audio MWII would definitely be on my shortlist.