Best digital interconnect

Looking for a digital cable interconnect upgrade, and wondering which one(s) are the top of the line. I am currently running a Virtual Dynamics Master, which is pretty good, but what would be a serious upgrade, without selling the farm!!?
Thanks for all the great feedback suggestions folks. I currently have on order, and am expecting their arrival in the next week or two........the Virtual Dynamics Genesis and Stealth Sextet. I will compare the two and keep the best one for my system. Perhaps periodically it will be fun to keep comparing. I'll post my results here!

Regards, Shane
Hi Bullot,

there really is no best, only different and that will really depend on the rest of your set-up including taste. Out of the two you are trying I ended up with the Sextet with latest connectors in my set-up and don't miss the ridget, heavy design of the VD product, actually I have Stealth through out which replaced the VD Genesis cables I had at one time and no longer cable hunt.
I had the V.D. Revelation Signature and auditioned a Pegasus Gold Digital from
John at KCI and never looked back, much smoother and less mechanical to my ears,
my RCA jacks thanked me too.
Update: I got the VD Genesis in and could not audition it. Visually and with respect to build, it was amazing, beautiful in every way! However, the weight was too much for my RCA connections to handle! Believe me, I wanted to audition it, but would have had to put the wife behind the system stand, holding the cables weight from damaging my RCA connections. Obviously the vision of her behind the system, stepping around the wiring nightmare back there,and holding an interconnect while I listened to music, put enough fear in me that I sold the VD unauditioned.

Didn't you have a way of proping it up? It's been said that VD digital cables are actually their analog IC's.