Best Dual purpose HT and Music speakers 10k

<$10k new, that way a used pair might be in my budget.

Just looking for fronts.

But obviously there has to be some sort of matching center and surrounds available for later purchase from the same manufacture to make it worthwhile for a HT application.
Looking for the same basic thing. My search so far has me leaning towards the Meadowlark brand. The Heron I's to be specific. All the reviews I see seem to be good, the speaker seems to go lower for most. These might be below your price point, they make higher end ones too, Blue Herons and such.

They just came out the Swans are coming out with a the next model soon(30 days?). A big Swan I guess. The Swans replaced the Kestrels and the new ones replace the Shearwaters I think. This company seems to get little press, but is one of the few "best buys" type of thing.

The center channel listed on the web site is not the matching center for the Herons. Sounds stupid but they do not seem to list the speaker I saw. The matching center is MASSIVE, 100lbs or so. This is one of the nice things I like about this package.

People hate these threads, hope you and I get some feedback.

Yo-guys: Not such a bad thread. I have Montana ESP's,and they go both ways for me. Dynamic speakers are just such-- and work well in 2ch as well as HT. How dynamic depends on how good the amp AND the processor you drive them with.

A mid priced 5ch amp wouldn't get ME there--I don't know about you guys.
I finally got above "mid priced" processors--Sony 9000es/ Anthm avm/Citation. Now a Meridian user--and the dynamics went way up.(as in awesome)
I always thought if I was building my ultimate home theater I'd look at ATC speakers. I believe the 50s are in your price range and are near full range, more slam than you'll probably ever need, and a midrange that few if any can match.

The only reservations I have with these speakers for audio are matters of taste. First, as ATC started as a professional studio monitor company and their speakers don't do some of the "audiophile" things like deep, holographic soundstages, and they don't pull off as good a disappearing act as some of those designs either. But as far as absolute transparency, tonal purity and accuracy, and incredible dynamic presence, they are hard to match. Secondly, although the woods used in the cabinets are absolutely beautiful, the speakers are simple rectangular boxes reminiscent of so many '70s era speakers.

Anyway, these are really special speakers, and if you can find a dealer I'd say they're definitely worth listening to if the "audiophile" qualities listed above are not must haves. Best of luck.