Best DVD player for redbook CD ???

I'm in the market for a DVD player in the 400-500 dollar (used) price range and value redbook CD as a top priority. What is best? Is it all pretty poor CD playback in that range? Do I just need to get a DAC?

I was thinking about a Rotel RDV 1050, Sony 9000 or 999...what else would you guys suggest?


Showing 2 responses by gmood1

Justin you have a slew of good Dacs out there in your price range.Audio Mirror,The New Channel Islands VDA•2 might be a winner. Also I've compared the Audio Sector NOS Dac to a Arcam DV27 which cost nearly 3 times of the DV88. The Audio Sector came out on top. The Audio Sector has also been compared against some of the modded SB2 or SB3 squeeze box units used with hard drive systems which are the rave now. The Audio Sector from a reliable source also out performed these units.Scott Nixons Dacs are another avenue. I'm sure others will give you more Dacs that perform well above their price point.