I have a very small room & a pair of small (Model SMGa) magnapan's that are approximately 18" wide and four feet tall. These maggies have two lags with metal mounts attached. You can either stand the speakers on the floor via the legs or do what I've done (with outstanding results).. I mounted each speaker in the corner of the room - off the ceiling - approximately 8 - 10' from the sofa. The sound comes out the front as well as the rear of the speakers and as you may imagine the sound is life a wall in the room. Well - as we have the TV/VCR attached to the preamp sometimes the wife & I are watching TV & the door slamming on the TV sounds like our front door. I suggest you call Magnapan or other manufacturer & ask them to send you a catalog.
Best electrostatic in smaller room? Please help!
My room is about 15' x 15' (open to the kitchen on one end). I like the sound of electrostatics and planars because of their seamless sound from top to bottom. But I've heard that they need alot of room. Can I find a particular model that will fit my room? I really appreciate your help and input!