best FLEXIBLE cables

I am looking for a good FLEXIBLE interconnect and speaker cable for my system
I have :
Proceed AMP5
Proceed AVP2 + 6 channels
JM labs diva speakers
Velodyne 10 subwoofer.
At the present time I am using the virtual dynamic cables but they are too rigid and I am afraid that they can damage  the connection with my pre-amp the AVP2 and also they occupy alot of space in my small room.Is there  a way to prevent this potential problem if I do not change the VD cables?. These cables besides its rigidness they  are a  little heavy and the connection is not stable.
After owning several makes of garden hose type speaker cables, I have switched to thin flexible types and will never go back. I have used and recommend the following:
1) Audience Au24 se, and Sx
2) Black cat cable Lectraline and any of their new cables
3) Crystal Cable Piccolo
4) Teo gc interconnects
5) Clear Day Cables silver speaker cables and interconnects

The Clear Day and Black Cat are probably the least expensive, but also very good. All of these can be found here on Audiogon used.
Hope this helps