Best Fully Automatic TT

I am looking for a fully automatic TT to digitize my vinyl collection. My software will stop recording when the needle raises. So I want a TT that will auto-stop and return when the side is finished (so I can tend to my never-ending honey-do and infant without worry of "playing the lable"). Please advise, new or used is ok as long as the sonics are high grade.
technics SL-7 or SL-10. David Price at hi-fi world thought the sl-7 sounded better. then go to Raul's mm cartridge thread for p-mount cartridge ideas. The SL-7 goes for very little on ebay and with the right cartridge could be for you. It was seriously expensive when it came out and is audiophile quality. cheers
"Fully Auto"...I remember there was a turntable that actually turned the record over for side 2. Don't remember the manufacturer, but it did exist.
The best?

I think the Pioneer P3 had auto lift, as did many of the Japan market only Kenwoods, like the KP9010.
A semi-automatic TT will need you to manually start a record yourself,but should lift and return the arm at the finish. Some may have just lifted the arm at finish,but I can't remember what category those were classified in.
Current lower and mid end Thorens and Dual turntables should fit your needs. You start it and they finish it.