Best high end monitors?

I'm considering monitors for a 2 channel setup (to be paired with a couple subs - probably JL Audio Fathom 113's).

Looking for suggestions on brands/models to consider. I listen to all kinds of music, but mostly rock and jazz. I'm looking for large soundstage, detailed with with meat on the bones.

I don't have a set budget, but wouldn't go as high as Magico Minis or anything crazy.

Thanks in advance.

Before you do anything else, I'd add a (pair of) Bass Buster(s) or equivalent
product from another brand like ATC. The manufacturer can advise as to the
quantity and placement of these $350-$450 units for your room. My current
room was a giant, relentless pain in the ass until I added 2 of these and Voila!
massive improvement. Stereophile did a piece on this type of device and it's
in their on-line archive. Do yourself a favor and check it out. I was
sufficiently impressed that I put another one behind my piano!


PS - I'd toss Ohm (probably 100s or Sat 100s) in the ring as a main to
consider for use with the subs. The 100s are $1800 in basic black and very
good sounding loudspeakers which (possibly by virtue of their omni radiating
pattern) mate amazingly well with subs. They're sold factory direct with a
money-back policy for the unimpressed.

PPS You might also want to check out the Velodyne SMS-1 sub controller
which at app $500-$600 offers a very flexible low pass, fixed high pass, PEq,
and room analysis for any brand of sub you choose. BTW, before you choose
a sub, note that A-gon members Bob Reynolds, Drew Ekhard (?) and Shadome
are great resources with extensive knowledge on the subject.
Totem monitors have been described as meaty more than any other descriptive term. Several mfgrs voice with Totem. Imaging that will frighten you.
skip the subs, a good 2 channel system does not need'm! just buy the best speaker you can afford. the best; my vote, rockport arrakis, magico M6, wilson alexandria's. haven't heard the new focal's sure they are great as well as mbl or hansen. can't afford, who can? move down the line a little, i did, haven't consided a sub since.