best high sensitivity full range speak under 15k

I am looking at opinions on full range( ie down to 25hz), easy to drive speakers that can be driven by 60 watts or less, even SE. Do they exist?
or do you have to go to the big speakers that need SS and lots of watts to drive if you want full range. Something like my Vienna Mahlers would be an example fo this breed.
Ooops, I forgot to add....I'll be hearing the Daedalus DA-1 over the holidays. It would fall into this catagory at 96db efficient and from what I've heard I may be in for a treat. If anyone is still following the thread I will chime in after hearing them. If not, I'll start a new post with a review. Also, what about the Montana EPS2 at around 90db? I haven't heard it but hope to soon. Many have praised this speaker highly.
I saw a pair of used Overkills on Audiogon for around 17K I heard them while in new york. WOW. Your listening room is very nice, WOW. Tighter bass may require just a sub / monitor combination rather than a pair of floor standers.
I recently acquired the Legacy Focus 20/20, retail about 7K with their top veneer. I had it hooked up to an Audio Aero Captiole 50 watt class A amp and it did wonders. I am not sure it could be bettered but am looking just in case. It goes down to 20 HZ. Hope this helps Sensitivity is 94
I have the Reimer Tetons and am using Lamm ML1's 90 watt push pull tubes. The Tetons go down to around 16hz. These speakers will give you full range sound and have a very flat response throughout the frequency range. They can be run on as little as 8 watts.
Forgot to mention, that I also had the VA Mahlers and replaced them with the Tetons. The Teton's have a deeper and tighter bass response than the Mahlers in my system.