Best Integrated Amplifier Made at the USA

I will be pleased to know which is for you thr current best integrated amplifier made at the USA. thanks
03-12-08: Flav said:
"The Krell FBI (full balanced integrated), by far the best."

Whoa, take it easy there tiger. Krell's certainly worthy of the making this list, but there'll be lots of disagreement about "the best." ;-)

I suspect whenever VAC puts another integrated in their lineup it will be the best American made integrated on the market (base on their previous efforts). Some speakers may need SS power, and based on the Pass amps I have owned, I have to imagine the new Pass integrated will be one of the contenders in this category.
I would suspect the VAC would be your best bet. I am sorry the Phi Beta is out of production. That was my long term aim, if I won the lottery!