Best integrated amps under $9k

I am building a new house and I will be having a large great room ( 25x28).  I love music and and I love to hear all the different instruments clearly.  I don't need a heavy bass.  I am also not going to be playing music at real loud levels.   I like wide dispersion speakers.  I have been looking at integrated amps from Krell, Classe, Pass, Macintosh, ATI.  Any advice?  Sound quality is really important to me.   Whatever I buy will last a lifetime.  The reason I am thinking about integrated is that I like the idea of AMP/Pre-Amp in one box.  Any input is appreciated.  

With efficient speakers
Leben CS600
Shindo Apetite

With less efficient
VAC i160 or VAC Avatar Super 

So you need speaker also within that 9k? Or you have speakers already that have not been mentioned? Speakers first is the rule of thumb, then match amp to speakers... 

willgolf  Hi.

Before anyone can recommend anything, we need to know what speakers this integrated amp will have to drive.

As without knowing this it's wrong to recommend anything until this is known or you'll end up with an amp that's not suited. EG: Like 300w to drive horns or 8w single ended to drive Wilsons ect ect.

Cheers George    

Many thanks for your comments so far.  Speakers are still an open option.  Currently I am looking at Totem Hawk or Revel F208.  I am also going to fly to Utah to listen to the Tekton Pendragon.