Best Integrated, period.

Has anyone compared, Gryphon Diablo, Gamut Di150, Vitus SS101, Krell FBI, APL UA-S1 Jeff Rowland Continuum 500? Please add what you found to be best integrated.
Rowland + Magico sounds nice. Jonathan Valin recommended to run the Magicos with the Gamut Di150, so I guess that will be another nice match, but I still wonder if it can touch the Vitus SS101?
Dave is Rowland using a custom Magico sub?
I don't recall details of his sub. It looked prototype-ish, so it's likely to be something custom. Given his fondness of Magico, that would be a good suspect, but nothing more than conjecture.

09-09-08: Mapman

It indicates you compared to MBL amplification but not what kind of hybrid amp you normally use with your planars?

Sorry, my present hybrid amp is a Unison Research Unico SE. Its a Stereophile class A amp - but it certainly is not the 'best integrated, period'!
"but it certainly is not the 'best integrated, period"

Do you consider it to be at least in the same league as the others mentioned here, if not the best, period?

If not in the same league, why?
Sixmoons had trouble finding any significant faults with the Unico.

And their description is pretty much what one would want to hear regarding a hybrid integrated design (versus tube or "tubeless", like the Rowland.

Maybe not as muscular regarding power output as say the Rowland.

Sounds pretty darn good, if not the best.

Kiwi, do you know if it doubles output into 4 and 2 ohms?