Best Integrated, period.

Has anyone compared, Gryphon Diablo, Gamut Di150, Vitus SS101, Krell FBI, APL UA-S1 Jeff Rowland Continuum 500? Please add what you found to be best integrated.
Any good information on a solid state integrated is good news for me. I'm looking to jump ship on tubes. There too many good ones out these days to bother with tubes. There will be a day when tubes are out of the picture.
I tend to agree with Donjr (Simaudio Moon, D'Agostino, Merrill Veritas, Bully Sound, etc.), but it's difficult to shy away from tube *preamps* like the Audio Research Reference 5 SE, Purity Audio, or Herron.
There are benefits to integrated, namely not having to drive cables to the amplifier and perfect matching of the line stage with the amplifier circuit. I have seldom used integrated electronics, but recently have been asked to beta test a unit. I for the first real time heard all the benefits of an integrated fulfilled. I will say more when I can.
I used to think the Exemplar/LSA Statement amp was the best integrated but now the Exemplar Audio Exception Integrated is the best I have ever heard. And it weights only 23 pound for 50 watts per side versus the Statement's 85 pounds for 200 watts. I should say that the amp never showed any signs of distress playing loud on 93 db efficient speakers.

The detail, sound stage resolution, timbre of instruments, and just general realism of the sound is outstanding. Truly exceptional for only $4950.