I second the HK990. I was using it with my Mirage OMD-28s, and dual subwoofers, for TV and Music. It is a fantastic amp. I moved into a bigger house, and now have a full 5.2 setup, so am using a Pioneer Elite receiver for home theatre, but that HK990 isn't leaving my house. I use it as the anchor in my 2 channel system, driving Tannoy Definition DC8s. Tremendous synergy.
I think the reason it is such a good option is you have the ability to use room correction or not, and to use only portions of the correction if needed (low/mid/hi). To use an electronic crossover to a subwoofer if desired, the power to drive any speaker, a good DAC section and a good phono section if you need. I don't use the room correction with my Tannoys, but I absolutely had to with the big Mirage.
I will be moving into a tiny place in southern California in the next few years, and will have to downsize...the HK990 will be the amp I keep, of the 6 amps I currently own.
Hope that helps,