Nestorovic type 4.
I recently purchased a used pair here on a whim and it is the best audio purchase I have ever made. They were designed and built as I understand it by Mr. Nestorovic who designed one of the best ever Mcintosh tube amps then went on to design speakers. They are the best I have ever heard at any price. I have owned or auditioned many, many speakers: maggies, martin logans, dunlevy, jmlabs, sonus, spendor, vandersteen, polk, ohms, klipsch etc. the list goes on and on. With these I am amazed every time I turn them on. They were made to be mated with a tube amp. They are highly sensative 92db which I find essential in speaker performance. 8" woofer, 4 3/4" midrange, 4 1/2" ribbon tweeter. They are truly wonderful sounding! I am in love again and my search is over. I do use them in a small room with a stand. I do not feel they need a sub.
The best thing is they sold new for $2400 10 or 12 years ago and would be much higher today. I am firmly convinced that speaker design for the most part is not better today and the materials used such as in the magnets are poorer today than they were. I got mine for under a $1000 !!! The best speakers I have heard at such a great price.
It feel so good to be in love again :-)