best Marantz tuners?

I have a Sansui TU-717 tuner and love the sound. However, I love the look and build of the classic Marantz stuff. Some of their older tuners, with scopes for example, look so great. I have a 2250B rcvr and it is nice.
Anyway, I am thinking of going for a classic Marantz tuner.

What would be the short list of their best tuners?
Would it be a step up from the TU-717?

Don't ignore more modern Marantz tuners. I am now using a ST-17 and am growing to appreciate it as much if not more than my cherished Mac MR 80. Just because it is not "vintage" does not mean it is not a first class tuner -- and it is!

I do prefer the looks of vintage Marantz. This is for our living room, formal system so looks are a factor for sure.
I have the Sansui TU-717 right now driving a Nait Naim 5i amp and Paradigm Studio-20 speakers.

I will also try moding the 717 to see how good I can make the sound. Could use a bit more bass.

If looks (and good bass) are a factor, you should check out a Marantz 150; very cool looks including a beautiful oscilloscope and excellent sound overall. If you don't find one you like, let me know - I just might happen to know where you could find one :)
I had a model 150 for about 10 years and thought the sound was merely good. What made me keep it so long was the 'scope. I loved being able to use its auxilary input to check in/out phase, mono/stereo content, channel balance, etc. Using a 'scope for fm tuning is unparalleled with its ability to read signal strength, center tuning, mono/stereo content...well, you scope tuner users know! By the way, the am section was way better than average. But, I'm sorry to say when I went to a Onyko T-9090 Mk.ll there was no contest: the Onyko outperformed the 150 and sounded much superior. Yet, I still miss the Marantz and hope someday to get another scope tuner.

Do you think any manufacturer will offer a new scope tuner? I think there's an audiophile market for it though it would be pricey!
10b is the top, model twenty is next up, still has the scope and is more affordable.