best matching gears with Virgos, help please.

hi, folks,
I am about to buy a pair of Virgos, please advice me aobut
the matching gears? such as SS or Tubes pre and amp? how to place them?etc.

thanks folks.

I am using Kimber and Ensemble interconnect and marigo power
cords. many users have pointed out SPM is a great match with Virgos. I have not tried SPM before, I wonder what else IC will be suitable?
how about the AP subwoofer? any recommendation? or Virgos
will be sufficient?

Hi Tim, just saw yr post (was away). The AP sub is nice & precise to my ears -- but am not sure you need to invest in extra bass just now. A lot depends upon room size & speaker positioning: you may be able to play with room interaction with the Virgo's woofers.
Instead, you may wish to consider upgrading to a RG7 amp. IMO the RG3/III is very musical with hi's "like angels", and it pairs with the 7 wonderfully (or so Mr Gemein says - I agree). Also, play with positioning the 3 (a Neuance shelf, for example) & its power supply: on cones, on its side, etc.
hi, Gregm,

I wonder is bi-wireable Virgo more recent version? The seller told me they are only 3-4 yrs old? but they are single posting.
As you mentioned, i put 3 Diamond racing cone under 3 power supply, and it made a huge improvement!! the sound oped up!!I do not know how to put cones on its side?
BTW, I am thinking replace my RG1 with RG4 in the future,
have you heard any RG4 from Symphonic Line or its tube preamp?

thank jbm and outlier for the decent advise
Happy "Horse" New Year!!