Best matching phono stage with Zyx Universe cartr.

Which phono stages have a good matching with the Zyx universe cartridge ,either tube or S.S.
Ithink that is very important this synergy.
What about Zyx Universe with Audio Research PH7,Manley Steelhead,Zyx Artisan Phono stage,Tron phono , Raven phono ecc.Ireffered these brands because i read good information about matching.Which are your experiences as users of Zyx Universe and various phono stages you had?

Showing 1 response by stltrains

Its a whos who of phono amps above and i am not surprised. ZYXs UNIverse is so good that it makes the PA i believe. Any way i'm using Tom Evens Groove Plus SRX and could not be musically happier. And as Atmasphere has described above using a Triplanar with UNIverse is analog heaven. The combo is distortion free for the ultimate in sound.