@orpheus10 sorry, but i have to say that you don’t know what you’re talking about and you don’t even read what i have posted many times for you, professional Stanton is like professional Grado cheap models, nothing special indeed. Not sure if you ever heard about Grado DJ100i and Grado DJ200i designed for deejays today. Every respected company including Grace, Audio-Technica, Technics, Empire, Ortofon, Shure, Denon made professional series for deejays/radiostations etc. These carts are well known for durability, but not for the best sound quality, definitely not for audiophiles, they are cheap and affordable for anyone, normally under $150 , They are all comes with bonded spherical or elliptical styli (easy to replace for low cost).
But the Stanton Pickering models i have mentioned here as the reference are very expensive cartridges, designed for audiophiles, for critical listening sessions. Have you ever heard about Stereohedron stylus profile? This is very expensive stylus profile invented by Stanton (nude diamond).
I don’t understand why you always mixing together professional cartridges and hi-end cartridges. Two different world!
I have Joseph Grado Signature XTZ model considered the best Grado ever made, but Stanton top models are better cartridges.
But the Stanton Pickering models i have mentioned here as the reference are very expensive cartridges, designed for audiophiles, for critical listening sessions. Have you ever heard about Stereohedron stylus profile? This is very expensive stylus profile invented by Stanton (nude diamond).
I don’t understand why you always mixing together professional cartridges and hi-end cartridges. Two different world!
I have Joseph Grado Signature XTZ model considered the best Grado ever made, but Stanton top models are better cartridges.